Terms and conditions
1. Presentation of the website.
In virtue of the article 6 from the law n°2004-575 (21 June 2004) for the trust in the numeric economy, we precise to our customers the identity off all contributor in the realization of the website:
Owner : Planète Rasoir – TVA number FR16662003920
SIRET 66200392000029
Planète Rasoir 58, rue de Clichy 75009 Paris Cedex 9 France
Designer : Clickweb – Ouestinfoservice
In charge of publication: Cany Nathalie
Photography and virtual entry: Sebastien Pouteau/°Spout
Illustration: Cany Jean-Baptiste
Translation : Nathan de Amorim
Webmaster : Clickweb
Host : OVH – sis 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix France
2. Terms and conditions for the use of the website and the services affiliate.
By using the website www.planeterasoir.com you agree that you give your entire acceptation for the terms and conditions describe hereafter.
These terms can be possibly change or completed anytime, you are invited to verify them frequently.
This website is usually accessible for every user when they want. A break for maintenance could be decided by Planète Rasoir, we will inform you beforehand the day and hour of the break.
The website www.planeterasoir.com is regularly update by Clickweb.
3. Description of the services.
The website www.planeterasoir.com wish offer all the information of the company’s activity.
However, we are not accountable of any omission or undetailed explanation did by us or one of our partners who gives us the information.
All information’s found in the website www.planeterasoir.com can evolved in the future. However, all information’s are under reserves since the last time they had been put online.
4. Contractual limitations for the technical data.
The website use the JavaScript technology.
The website could not be responsible of any property damage linked to using the website. Furthermore, you agree to come on the website with recent materials, without virus and a recently updated web browser
5. Intellectual property and counterfeit.
Planète Rasoir is owner of his rights from the intellectual property and have the full right of use on every explanation accessibleon the website, like wording, photography, logo, icons, sounds, software, graphics.
Any reproduction, publication, representation, adaptation, modification of all or a part of the website, the way does not matter, is forbidden. Except by a written authorization from Planète Rasoir.
Any unauthorized exploitation of the website will be considered like a counterfeit and will be prosecute in accordance to the articles of the Code of the intellectual property (L.335-2 and following codes).
6. Limitation of responsibilities.
Planète Rasoir could not be responsible of any direct or indirect property damages, during the visit of the website Planète Rasoir. If any damages happen, it could be the use of an obsolete material who did not correspond of the specifications seen in the part 4, or it could be by the apparition of a bug in the system.
Planète Rasoir could not be responsible of indirect damages (like a loss of market share, or a loss of luck) consecutive to the use of the website www.planeterasoir.com.
The topic “contact us” gives you the possibility to ask questions. Planète Rasoir reserves the right to delete any deposit contents if it will be demonstrated that they are not in agreement with the French law, particularly with anything relatives to data protection.
Planète Rasoir reserves also the right to hire legal proceeding, particularly in the case of racism, insult, pornography with any support (word or pictures).
7. Administration of personal data.
In France, personal data are protected by the law N°78-87 (6 January 1978), law n°2004-801 (6 August 2004), the article L. 226-12 from the Penal Code and the European Directive from 24 october 1995.
When you come on the website www.planeterasoir.com, your link from which you come on the website www.planeterasoir.com and your IP address can be collected.
Planète Rasoir collect this information only to improve some services. You agree to give us these information, so it is precise to you, when you visit the website www.planeterasoir.com, the obligation or not to give these informations.
In accordance to the articles 38 and following the law 78-17 (6 January 1978) relative to informatic, to data and freedoms, each users has a permission to access, rectify and block his personal data by a signed letter with a copy of his ID, and a return address for the answer.
Any of your personal data during the visit of our website www.planeterasoir.com will be published without your permit. Otherwise, your personal data will never have been sold, transferred, exchanged on any support. Only the buyout of Planète Rasoir and his right would allowed the new manager to keep these data, so he would be submitted to the same right of conservation and modification of the data.
The website aforementioned is declared to the CNIL under the number 1718533 v 0.
The database are protected by the law of the first July 1998, transposing the directive 96/9 (11 March 1996) for the juridic protection.
8. Links and cookies.
The website www.planeterasoir.com contains some links that brings you to other websites with the authorization of Planète Rasoir. However, Planète Rasoir cannot verify the contents of those visited websites, and we do not take any responsibility of the information collected in those websites.
The visit on the website www.planeterasoir.com can lead to install browser cookie on your computer. A browser cookie is a small data, who did not give the identity of the user, but record some information’s related to the navigation.
These data have for goal to make easier your next visit on the website, and allows us to measure the attendance of the website.
Deny the installation of the cookie could forbade you to use the website.
However, you can configure your computer to prevent the installation of those cookies:
On Internet: tool tab/internet options: click on the confidentiality tab: block every cookie: click on Ok
On Firefox: on the top of the browser click on the Firefox icon: click on Option: click on the tab Navigate in Private: take off the cookie activation.
On Safari: on the top of the browser click on the cog: click on settings: click on advanced settings: then click on confidentiality: in the cookie section, you can block them.
On Google Chrome: on the top of the browser click on the menu (three horizontal stripes): click on settings: click on advanced settings: in the tab confidentiality you can block the cookie.
9. Applicable right and jurisdiction.
Every litigation during the use of the website www.planeterasoir.com is under French right. The exclusive jurisdiction is exclusive to the qualified courts of Paris.
10. Concerned laws.
The law n°78-87 (6 January 1978), modified by the law n°2004-801 (6 August 2004) for the informatic freedeom.
The law n°2004-575 (21 June 2004) for the trust in the numeric economy.
11. Glossary.
User: surfer, using the website aforementioned.
Personal information’s: “information’s who can help to identify, directly or not, every physical person which they are apply” article 4 of the law n°78-17 (6 January 1978).
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